Thursday, August 24, 2006

Keep in touch !

Over the past few months, I have been hooked onto Orkut. It started off with a friend sending me an invite about 2 years back. I wasn't really keen on being a member then and thought that it was one of those sites, where if I join, my inbox would be bombarded with spam on a daily basis. Anyways, I created a profile, uploaded my picture, and then my profile lay dormant for several months. But during the last 6 months, a frightful frenzy of activity from my friends, caused me to keep up. Have you ever felt, how during certain phases in life, like when at school or college, we make good friends with whom we hang out and spend a lot of time. However as time passes and we move away from them, and all contact is gone, it soon becomes a case of "Out of Sight, Out of Mind". But when you somehow meet them again, you tend to wonder, "How did I even forgot this person? I knew him/her so well. " I must mention that I do a good job of keeping in touch with friends, as long as its possible. Nevertheless a few have managed to slip through and then all knowledge of that person is gone. Orkut has allowed me to sync up with exactly those kinds of people. Just in case you are wondering, I am not campaigning for Orkut. It is just that I have beem amazed at how it all works. For example, I had a friend who left school when she was in 7th standard, with whom I used to hang out with quite a lot. Over the past 15 years I have remembered her, maybe, a few times and wondered where she is, but that was the end of it. A few weeks back, I get a friend request from her and she emails me asking if I remember her. It was such a pleasant surprise ! Childhood, for several of us, has been extremely wonderful and joyous. Hence getting back in touch with someone who was part of life back then, floods the mind with so much nostalgia and that is such a pleasant feeling.


Punita said...

yup, orkut rocks!! big time!! thanks for sending me an invite :)

Anu Russell said...

Orkut made me meet friends from my LKG and UKG! Amazing! Love it!

And what is even better is that you don't have to write any formality stuff and just get to the point!

Nandini Gopinath said...

I know ! Thats the best part about it. Makes it easier to just cut to the chase :) !